Monday, January 20, 2014

Quick Recap

i never know how to start these things... it´s so awkward.  

ok so we ate at a member´s house last monday night for noche de hogar (unintentional) and then all tuesday we had major diarrhea... it was really awfull.  mom, you can delete this from the email if you´d like...  but really, it was the worst.  We also had district mtg tuesday morning and had to ask the elders to meet us in our capilla instead of theirs and when they asked why we just said ¨girl problems¨ (that excuse works with everything.  especially elders because they are too embarrassed and socially awkward to ask more).  

On wednesday I woke up and jump roped and got on board with my 2014 resolution to actually exercise this year... even if it means I´m the annoying jump roper in the kitchen while everyone else is trying to get a few extra minutes of sleep or write family letters... i also did 10 push ups and then thought I was about ready to die.  Elder Manubay (zone leader) always talks about the P90X work outs he does from memoria and thanks to dad I think I have abb ripper X memorized... haha so guys just wait for the day I come home with killer abbs.  new years resolution 2014! 

On wednesday we also gave cuca, menos activa, a mini boche.  ¨I have the gripe every sunday¨ and ¨I have to start cooking lunch for myself at 11¨ just aren´t legit excuses... especially to the Lord.  

We went to Christofer, a menos activo we just found.  He´s only 14 and adorable.  We shared with him and then taught his mom how to make pancakes!  She was so stoked and they all shrieked everytime the pancake flipped over in one piece (which was everytime).  Then I was casually looking at all my split ends and she shoved me into her salon chair and cut my hair!!  I cried a lot inside.  she cut off like 3 inches.  sad day.  but maybe it was needed...

We found out hermana Anna Mesa was in the hospital all day so we rushed to their house and helped her make her family dinner and comfort her.  She´s stressed and tired and so on Thursday morning we went straight to their house to help her clean and cook and let her sleep and relax while we helped her with stuff.  I de-shelled like a million green beans for her in the morning and spent like an hour doing so... and then she put them in a bag and gifted them all to us!  I was so embarrassed because I spent so DANG LONG de-shelling beans for myself...

We gave Victor a fecha... he accepted and was just super chill about it all!  but the rules here about baptisms are set high... like he has to go to church 12 times in order to get baptized... so i´ll let you know how the three month journey goes!

Well... i feel like this is the normal thing, but I have like zero time.  these internet centers are always super crowded and I was the last to get on... but it´s been a good week!  thanks everyone for the support and prayers!  I love you all and hope everything in going well!  

love hermana huish 

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