Sunday, January 12, 2014

2014 !?!?!?!?

hmmm.... ok... where to begin??
Last monday night we went to alejandra´s house and she gave us dominican hair do´s... and then they practiced american fishtails on mine and my comps hair.  (speaking of dominican girl hair... have izze and emmy tried out their fancy hair beads yet??) 
On tuesday we had a district mtg in the elders rich area.  it still amazes me... i´m going to take pictures next time to show you because it´s really insane.  the zone leaders are in our district so they brought our packages and i got grandma and grandpas package!!  filled with baking mixes, candy bars, and philipino mangos (which was well suited seeing that my comp is philipina) thanks guys!!
There aren´t any different traditions here for the new years that I saw... other than getting really drunk new years eve and all the next week.  (which was frustrating seeing that I somehow missed a lot of alcohol bottles and there weren´t in the ocean)
once again... i can´t believe it is 2014!!!!!!!!!!  such a great time to make new years resolutions and para mehorar and stuff.  i love making resolutions and since i´ll be a missionary for just about one more year (and like 20 days more) it was cool to make goals super focused on the work.  My comp, hna. caguimbal, and i made some very specific goals for the new year and our companionship that we´re really excited about.  We are determined to be exactly obedient and work our very hardest.  We have different goals to help us with the slowness of the area right now and just this week we have seen huge improvements and we found 3 new investogators who really seem legit!  Our prayers for the past month have seemed to all get answered this week.  it was incredible.  The Lord really works miracles, but tries our faith first. 
anyways, one of our new investogators is barbara... she sounds like a gringo because she actually can´t roll her R´s (which makes me feel a lot better about not being able to...)  but she´s the cutest lady and we went back to share with her on thursday and her neighbor was there and she was just kinda grumpy and not pleased to see us.  We were talking about the purpose of life and since barbara is a mother and grandmother to over 30 people and her neighbor, ivelisse, had her three children around her, i felt impressed to read alma 56:47-48 with them about the 2 thousand soldados and oh my gosh ivelisse was loving it.  she chatted about the mothers and their faith and what not for about ten minutes and asked about this new book was (el libro de mormon) and it was awesome.  the only bummer is ivelisse is evangelica... (errrrrrr) but we are excited to see where things go!!
hermana caguimbal and I have the same time in the mission... so we celebrated our 5 month cumplemes together on new years day!!  (can´t believe it... really can´t.)  anyways, we came home from working and the other hermana´s surprized us with cake!  fiesta!

We´re working hard with Eduardo.  His fecha is 25 de enero.  Have I mentioned that he is my absolute favorite??  he is about 45 and his wife is catholic.  But boy is eduardo the best.  he is the most monotone-tranquilo person i have ever met.  the ultimate example of chill.  he is also so awkwardly hilarious.  He petted my hair on sunday and when presidente laughed and said i´m a missionary eduardo said ¨ sorry i have just doubted this whole time that it was real¨ haha
we helped out familia soler with their panaderia on saturday night.  it was super cool. 
i recieved hérmana hillary owen´s letter (FROM JULY 22!!!!)  today from the elders!!  talk about casi 6 months late!!  but it was amazing and she is incredible and wrote the cutest letter that made me laugh and cry and she said exactly what i needed to hear.  hill, love ya.
hna. santana´s papi sent her fancy sausage from spain.. SCORE.  the other hermana´s don´t like it cause it´s raw meet or whatever... so us two eat fancy dinners of bread and sausage and talk about traveling all over europe. 
On sunday we visited hno. Marco in his house and right when we got there he went and grabbed a small bottle of mouth wash, handed it to me, and walked away....   then he told us the secret to love.. is to find someone who eats, showers, and wears nice church clothes.  (this is true)
Sunday night we went to flia Mesa to tell them we were gonna pass by for a noche de hogar today.  We ended up staying late telling stories and laughing so hard with them which was aMAZING because we haven´t seen them smile or laugh since i´ve been here.  We felt god´s love for them so strong and we know we need to really help them find happiness again!
well... anyways, there´s so much more to say with so little time!  maybe next week! 
les amo!!!
hermana huish

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